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"A New Investment Class for a New Class of Investors!"

"TREIT opens & broadens

asset -building opportunity for investors and renters, of all means, and in a manner that hasn't existed before."


This is a "New Housing Economy!"


TREIT is opening new markets and new opportunities in real estate investing. 



A Low-Cost Rental Housing Real-Estate Investment & Asset Trust (REIT)

As the first Real Estate Invesment Trust (REIT)

to incorporate as a "B Corporation," our Investors,

Stakeholders, Benefactors, Beneficiaries,

& Tenant Shareholders are part of something special. 



Our Mission is to "Build Tenant Trust;" our Dream

is EQUITY for ALL!



Since our Republic's founding, American's were

guaranteed only one thing: the freedom & liberty to

pursue dreams and aspirations for themselves

and their families.  TREIT is delivering new ways  of

pursuing opportunities to make dreams a reality!



The long history of limited access to real-estate investing is over...


Our innovative Tenant-Centric management services and real estate investment products

generate solid capital returns and dividends for Investors, Renters and our Tenant-Shareholders.

A New Class of Investors



For decades, most Americans have been prevented from investing in opportunities that build equity & wealth.  Could this account for at least some of the  wealth disparity in America?  We think  so!


Why?  Most restrictions and regulations date back to the Great Depression.  Few believe that most educated American adults are incapable of understanding risks involved in making investment decisions.  It's time to expand equity-asset building opportunities by reviving laws and regulations that have been hidden from the general public by government and vested interests. 


Who decides what defines a so-called accredited investor?  It is our goal to create efficient and prudent savings and investment systems that will serve each individual regardless of his or her income or "asset base."  The attitude, desire and hope to improve one's lot starts at home and that is where we begin!


The non-accredited investor market has the long term potential to actually dwarf the existing VC and real-estate capital markets.  The massive number of new investors allowed to participate in early stage business and real-estate investing for the first time in over 80 years is truly transformative.


President Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Small Business Act (The JOBS Act) in 2012.  This law permits any American who earns less than $100K to invest up to $2,000 per year or 5% of their income whichever is greater.  TREAT and our advocates for America's Renters are working hard to make certain the intent of this legislation is implemented successfully and responsibly.  The dream of financial security is now possible with this expanded opportunity to save and invest in real-estate.


The JOBS Act opens legal, SEC sanctioned and regulated access to millions of average American investors.  TREAT provides the investment platform and products for individuals to directly participate in real-estate equity investing. 


A new wave of capital will be  unleased by Title III of the JOBS Act!  TREAT makes certain the EQUITY created will be accessible and shared by anyone with the motivation to improve his or her financial status.  This includes access to managed savings and re-investment plans available to individuals regardless of income level.  TREAT Tenant Shareholder Services acts as custodian and advisor. Through the The Renter's Lobby we're working with other advocates to push policymakters  to  create balanced and fair tax incentives for renters and future homebuyers so they can keep more of their hard  earned income.  This will increase the publics focus on saving and investment over spending and debt.  


Our innovative tenant-centric management services and real estate investment properties

generate reliable long-term cash flow for our non-profit organizations and high returns for our individual investors and shareholders.


A New Investment Class!



Traditional investment "asset classes" have long been and remain confined to "accredited investors."  Traditional investment classes include securities (stocks), bonds (debt-fixed-income) and cash (money-market products).  All other investments including real-estate have been grouped in the broad class or category of "alternatives investments."  Presuming SEC rulings favor Congress' intent to provide broad access to all investment classes TREAT will be the first and only entity  to provide comprehensive solutions designed and delivered for all Residential Renters.


TREIT Shareholders are a big part of this new investment class.   Ironically, this "class" has always co-existed but always under the financial and structural controls designed and mandated by the authorities.  This can work when business ethics permeate an economy.  Unfortunately, the almost complete integration of government policy has perverted the both the commercial and residential real-estate markets.  This integration reached a recent "inflection point" in June of 2006 with the chaotic financial failure of September 2008.  


We will not argue what remains of the truly Pyrrhic victory of the so-called financial reforms since.   We prefer to focus on those that MIGHT bring new hope and opportunity to all that really matter: hardworking Americans.


At TREIT Inc., FAIR and The Renter's Lobby we are focused and frankly, obsessed with introducing and deploying solutions based on policy and structural systems that were enacted decades ago but NEVER implemented.  They were never implemented because the business structures were biased in our free markets to favor those with the "ways & means."


An example is the Clinton-Bush Housing.....Acts to deliver a home to every deserving American. The problem, of course, it that we all would like to think this can be accomplished by fiat.  Clinton - Bush members of Congress thought so and thus we have the bankrupt systems still in-place today.


The secret to our success for our customers and investors is very simple: honesty and secular growth. 


We agree with industry and policymakers on one crtical point:"enabling" constituencies to improve on their 'lot" is key to a growing & free economy.  Things will only grow worse for us if we do not reverse the inane federal regulatory mandates and the self-defeating compliant behavior of senior business management.


Our innovations, revival of really good ideas from the past that were ignored by government & business, and really exciting new paradigms in business operations that puts customer value first are solutions that increase productivity, profits and secular growth.


We are bored of the same old perfunctory platitudes thrown-about by Washington Housing Fianance PolicyMakers and compliant Industry Leaders.


We are supremely confident that for those who listen and take the time to understand our plans and programs that we will all do well while at the same time doing great good!


Perhaps most exciting are the unprecedented number of lower-income Americans that can "capitalize" by taking advantage of the opportunities that have long been availalbe but hiddent in the shadows of Statists and Opportunists.  We're delivering access to equity investment opportunities.


New Asset Pay-Out Alternative Sources described in our "Funding Matrix" have the capacity to underwrite asset building plans for millions.  We're increasing the population of Shareholders for American Business and dramatically increasing the volume of Equity holdings benefiting all Americans. Our formulations and sytems deliver win-win outcomes for all hardworking Americans.

Foundation for American Investors and Renters

The Foundation for American Investors and Renters (FAIR) mission is to seek ways to enhance the lives and livliehood of ALL residential renters through new savings and investments opportunities.  For several years our research has focused on ways to exploit opportunities created by the 2008 financial failure.  One area of concentration and opportunity relates to reducing or removing the governments restrictions on an individual's freedom to invest in opportunities he or she chooses.


The so-called "Great Recession" was an alternative catch-phrase or Washington euphemism for the terrible consequences the homeownership bubble. The resulting bail-outs were underwritten by taxpayers, homeowners and renters who, we argue, were indirectly double-taxed by the  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failures.


Whether we are seeing the first new investment class or category will be dictated by size and over time.  FAIR projects the direct-mutualization of real-estate investment will prove transformational for the industry, for the new class of investors it will create and for the general economy.  


Direct-Mutualization of real-estate holdings via TREAT creates alternative access to internet-based equity share-holdings in investment properties; at reduced cost and risk.  Our fractional equity holdings generate regular dividend receipts for organizations and re-investment opportunities for low, mid and upper income individuals. This is a new, unique and opportunistic Investment Class sanctioned and regulated by the SEC. 


Integrating Title III investment rules &  regulations with our unique and innovative advantages as a Multibrid-REIT creates a whole new platform for our tenants.  Now, EQUITY in real-estate property is accessible by residential renters at all levels of income!


DRIP to BrickTM is our proprietary dividend reinvestment products featuring new and unique direct participation in investment properties never before available to non-accredited investors. 


TREIT "Affordable Housing" means LOW COST!

The only feasible way to satisfy demand and solve the affordable housing crisis in the "New Housing Economy" (1) is:

  •  Large scale deployment of innovative lower cost-efficient building and construction solutions;
  •  Removal or suspension of government regulatory, ordinances and zoning barriers and,
  •  Broad expansion of the capital funding universe.
  •  Rejection of DEBT instruments as the means to define "affordability."
One of the only research projects to identify and propose ways to reduce and remove barriers to lower development costs is "Bending The Cost-Curve."(2) 
These and other studies by the The Urban Land Institute (ULI) and The Terwilliger Center for Housing identify the limitations faced by all developers in all regions of the United States.  TREAT and our Non-Profit Affiliates: The Renter's Lobby and the Foundation for American Investors and Renters (FAIR) are using many of these findings for our own work as we introduce new products, services, and policies.



One of our biggest competitive advantages is SPEED!


Long before a new investment property comes on-line, we identify and qualify the renters who will fully occupy the property and call it home.


In most instances before acquiring a new investment property, we know who the new tenants are because they're already a Tenant Client Resident at one of our other locations or they've passed our 14 Point Character Review system and have requested to remain on our waiting list.


Managed by our TCSI management each is chosen in advance of the planned acquisition and each has chosen their desired apartment.  It's a win for all parties involved.


This reduces risk for our investors regardless of the investment property's vacancy rate.  Our on-going proactive "spot-rental" services house a constant pipeline of new client resident tenants.  Therefore, as soon as the acquired property is repositioned and passes our QOL tests and prepared for occupancy, TREIT TCSI Management fills vacant units within days!


This is what we mean by speed and it translates into high-performing properties that minimize risk for all parties including the individual or family in need of safe affordable housing. 


Quick turnaround and fully occupied properties support our aggressive growth plans as we scale in Phoenix,Tucson and new markets throughout the U.S. 


Following the first 182 Units at Alta Vista Village, TREIT has the capacity to add another 1,000 units within the next operating quarter (Q3 2016). 


Phoenix TREIT Equity I - 1000 Pro Forma available here:


Growth capacity is exceptional.  Reliable NOI and consistent dividend disbursements will broaden capital sourcing for acquisitions and redeployment.  TREIT ROIC features create exit strategies with unlimited potential for investors and renters.


New laws and regulations will allow renters to invest directly in TREIT savings and investment programs:


"DRIP to Bricktm  investment plans are examples of FAIR real-estate oriented financial innovations.  Our systems broadens the capital base for TREIT shareholders and property investors.  It is the mid-level tier of what we call our "Fusion-CAPital Stack"TM


We are positioned to become the leading investment vehicle for tenant shareholders.  Our systems allow them to secure ownership in real property for the first time creating a broad new class of investors to grow the market and expand the economy .  We have formulated qualifying in-house or affiliate advisory investment plans in anticipation of regulatory and retial access to new investment TREIT platforms.


We're making long-term accumulation of EQUITY a reality for any and all American renters.


Is it possible that renters become their own fractional landlords?

YES THEY CAN.  With the right discipline and guidance, most Americans can achieve  financial security and personal independence. For our investors and stakeholders, successfully fulfilling the aspiration of equity-ownership in real-estate builds immeasurable trust & loyalty and adds significantly to the value of our collective real-estate holdings; our communities and our national economy.

Business has always been a Social Responsibility

Our Principals, Stakeholders, Investors and Shareholders place huge importance on the popular ideals associated with corporate and non-profit social responsiblity.  Our commitment to community is not a perfunctory exercise but a very real opportunity to make a difference for all hardworking Americans.


"...the first responsibility of business is to make enough profit to cover the costs for the future. If this social responsibility is not met, no other social responsibility can be met….the proper social responsibility of business is to turn a social problem into economic opportunity and economic benefit, into productive capacity, into human competence, into well-paid jobs, and into


In Frontiers of Management (1986), Peter Drucker maintained:

This is more than just a good can make a difference and here's one very big reason how:


Thousands of renters & loan-owners are evicted every day in cities across America..



...up to 7,000 individuals and families are evicted in Phoenix every month!!!



Tragically, for millions, this leads to a court system that inflicts what one municipal court judged described as "judicially sanctioned extortion racket." This is one reason the The Renter's Lobby will work with the Congressional Renters Caucus in Washington D.C. to advocate for a legislative agenda that includes the Fugatt Debtor's Resolution of 2016-2017.





Over 70% of those caught-up in the system of court imposed fines, fees and warrants for minor traffic offenses and harmless misdemeanors are renters. The collections and legal pursuit of these liabilities causes irreparable harm to their financial future.  Our natural coalition of Industry & Advocacy Organizations led by The Renter's Lobby can and will make a difference.


Contrary to long-standing bias in the industry and by the public, these individuals and families are responsible hard-working citizens.  Most experience financial hardship due to uncontrollable events and life trauma.

"Tenant-Centrism" is a proven solution that reduces and prevents these kinds of financial hardships. Designed-in rent-payment flexibility is a key advantage for our renters and the power behind our personalized and nuanced rent payment managment software.  It is the reason for our very high rate (100%+) of rent collections.
Our 4th Generation (TCMSi) systems accomodate the volatile cash-flow of low to moderate income renters.
We deliver and support our customer's need for flexibiity through our "Pay When Paid" service.  It's a programmed relational data management utility that supports a dynamic rent payment management (collections) system.  Pay When Paid programmed protocols make the above described events rare and transparent. 
Today's consumer based economy increaslingly relies on static cash collections.  This trend is counter-productive for business and the economy when meeting the financial needs of low-income renters.  This is why so many properties suffer lower collection rates.  What is needed is FLEXIBILITY.  We have turned this into an advantage as a natural outcome of our tenant biased support service.
Controlled and monitored flexibility through our Tenant Centric business management processes creates opportunity and more demand where others experience high vacancy rates and underperforming properties. 
With over three-quarters ---- 76% of all Americans living from paycheck-to-paycheck a recent Federal Reserve study reveals that half of all Americans do not have cash reserves to cope with emergency expenses exceeding $400.  Today's economic conditions will continue to drive demand for quality low-cost rental housing.

AT TREIT we constantly ask how it is that the housing sector and policymakers are permitted to define and market the American Dream as a real-property owner when we know full-well most are misled to believe they are "homeowners?"  Is it right to sell the important ideals of these rights on a pretense limited to the the terms & conditions of a grossly leveraged loan contract?


Our answer is NO!

TREIT's "Tenant Centric" business model is successfully transforming finanically challenged renters into financially secure TREIT residents and shareholders!  
Moreover, our alternative investment plans offer realistic financial options for a new class of investors. Access to real estate equity for renters opens large new markets for the entire real estate and investment community.  

"Real property appreciates when real people succeed!"

 The Renter's  Lobby
 Washington D.C.



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